Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Basic Idea

The library will not be automated. What is there to automate in a library? When it comes to books, I'm a bit old-fashioned. I like to hold them in my hands. I like to turn the pages. I like the way they smell. I like looking at shelves full of them. In short, I will probably never be converted to e-readers of any sort. Perhaps a bit of a strange attitude, given the rest of the house, but, hey, no one ever said a mad scientist's opinions had to be consistent.

Of course, this all begs the question of what this blog will be about. Loosely, three things:

Furniture. Like I said, I like looking at shelves full of books. If those shelves are beautiful, it only enhances the experience. I'm hoping for an armchair by the fire and a comfortable windowsill sofa and a staircase spiraling up to a trapdoor, with even more shelves above it. The first story will be devoted to technical books, the second, to fiction. If I do this right, it should be a bibliophile's paradise.

Book reviews. I like to talk about what I've read. Eventually that reading will take place in the Mad Scientist Mansion. Therefore I will talk about what I've read on this blog. Is my logic not infallible?

Stories. The second floor of the library will be, as I said, devoted to fiction books. It will also have a small desk and a computer (not the number crunching beast of the study, but a light, portable word processor) where I will type up my stories. I enjoy writing about as much as I enjoy reading, and, since it's just a hobby, I figure...why not? I'll go ahead and post the stories here and you can read them if you're interested.

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